The monochrome edition express the refusal of the image as way of liberation, freedom from any preconception about words and their consequent ideas. Words must gain essence, essence must be freed from its own visual reference. That’s why monochromes are reaching out for brand new meanings, purified from preconceptions, educations, absolutist moralities. Words must …
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“The big voice Sounds always calm Yet words from mouth Are craving for fear We make you believe We make you beware Fear is real Fear is Real! Please get this shit As much as you can eat” The monochrome series reflects about society within visual communication. This body of works want to dismiss the …
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I don’t have a real artistic statement at this point of my career. To be honest, I make art to manifest my intellectual reaction to the daily reality. Each artwork is an independent statement about this contemporary culture, a magnificent mix of glossy ignorance and sophisticated forms of borderline fascist economy. I ask myself …
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There is a word that got forgotten in the new millennium: Peace No leader of any presumed democratic world has ever mentioned peace in the last twenty years. Peace became the true enemy: the enemy of greed, the enemy of profit, the enemy of war, the enemy of militarism, the enemy of justice, t …
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There is not a collision between elements but rather a fusion of those We are living in a new organic reality, in which individuals, their space and their circumstances gets interconnected by new structures and over structures that cannot be associated to the traditional vision of the social and economic reality. Whatever is perceived, …
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La mia e’ una ricerca esistenziale e politica, essa avviene attraverso il Graphic Design per identificarne un’ arma partigiana, attraverso l’ adozione di un metodo di guerrilla grafica editoriale: Graphic Guerrilla, ovvero concentrare l’ idea nel messaggio individuale, con un obiettivo preciso. Il messaggio assume una struttura completa ma disorganica al contesto generale, fatto di …
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“L’ arte e’ la rivolta nelle carceri il rifiuto della realtà come gabbia al reale si risponde col surreale La strafottenza verso l’ incubo della morale bovina L’ arte e’ il grido d’ allarme contro la cazzata che diventa potere”
SPRAY PAINT, ACRYLIC, OIL PASTEL, INK PEN, GRAPHITE ON BRISTOL PAPER This artwork is dedicated to the street race and takeovers that became one of LA’s trademark. I ‘ve been fascinated by the topic within a sociology’s point of view. These street take overs are not a simple trend or phenomenon. They reflect an aspect …
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SPRAY PAINT ACRYLIC OIL PASTEL GRAPHITE ©2023 This artwork is based on the concept of safety as perceptive propaganda Propaganda is a way of communication by the use of confident lie. The lie is communicated in such confident manner, that leaves no ground for doubts, questions, verifications. The communication is polluted by two elements: politics …
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