
Fresh Faces – New Portraits

Pubblicatoil Mar 7, 2016 in EXHIBIT

FRESH FACES New Portraits by Los Angeles Artists OPENING RECEPTION THURSDAY, MARCH 24 7-9PM Saatchi Art at Demand Media 1655 26th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 Complimentary valet parking available onsite via 26th Street. Please RSVP by March 17th FRESH FACES is a new exhibition of portraiture on view at Saatchi Art in Santa Monica. …

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Taco Nights #2

Pubblicatoil Set 12, 2015 in ART

“There are certain nights in LA where a taco truck will keep you company, whether you are a lawyer, a worker, an artist, a student, a maniac or simply you suffer from insomnia: taco trucks is the place where to be” Oil pastels, acrylics, liquid ink pens, acrylic markers, pencil on paper original monotype – …

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Pubblicatoil Ago 30, 2015 in EXHIBIT

Yes, we are back to business My shit on the trip to NY AFFORDABLE ART FAIR NEW YORK september 10-13, 2015 venue: THE METROPOLITAN PAVILLON 125 West 18th Street (between 6th and 7th Avenues) New York , NY 10011 represented by Artspace Warehouse (Los Angeles) location 1.38


Pubblicatoil Feb 19, 2015 in Poetry Box

Los Angeles is a fantastic city because is unique, bright , colorful,. Los Angeles is the city if neon lights, it seems to be in a fairytale from the 80’s. Looks like there is a fantical culture about neon lights, I’ve never seen so many neon lights in my life like I’ve seen in Los …

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Pubblicatoil Gen 15, 2015 in Poetry Box

Quel gran bidone del bmovie poliziesco negli anni settanta quel che eravamo, quel che siamo, quel che saremo Oggi scrivo di cinema o almeno ci provo. Comincio con le solite frasi: il Cinema Italiano vanta innumerevoli primati in termini di eccellenza professionale, tecnologia, sperimentazione, rappresentazione artistica. Il cinema Italiano resiste nella sua ricerca culturale, nonostante …

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Pubblicatoil Dic 17, 2014 in ART

“A hot morning in Chinatown, LA. I was wondering around to visit this place made of million items, any items, from footwear to chemical drugs. It’s so hard to take interesting photos around these blocks. I mean interesting photos of real people in real places, because I am a traveller that can’t stand tourism. People …

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Pubblicatoil Nov 24, 2014 in Poetry Box

Tante volte ho pensato che il miglior modo per evolvere l’intuito riguardo a quel che succede nell’ arte contemporanea (quindi una migliore percezione del mercato e un conseguente aumento delle vendite) sia quello di leggere i testi dei critici d’arte e dei giornalisti di settore, farsi dapprima un’ idea sull aria che tira. Purtroppo non …

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2nd Cacak Print Biennial 2014

Pubblicatoil Nov 7, 2014 in EXHIBIT

I will join this very cool print biennial , at its second edition. Cacak Print Biennial promise to be better and better int erms of quality and success. “The graphics as a discipline has survived until today thanks to its vitality and power of metamorphosis through time. Following the technology and adapting to new developments …

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