“The young man jumped reaching the stars stolen victory is at hand overwhelming pride the tricky genius fooled the clever it was a game a humid comedy the acting talent performed its talent pride won with arrogance nobody gave a shit time stood still stunned by the …
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My next adventure LA ART SHOW February 5 – 9 LA Convention Center South Hall booth #1212
I will be join this group exhibition SoLa Contemporary 3718 W Slauson Avenue Los Angeles CA 90043 Opening Night January 4th 2020 6 – 9 pm www.solacontemporary.org
Shortlisted for the final exhibition ENEGAN ART PRIZE 2019 Opening ceremony – private view Saturday 12 October , 5pm Sala Borghini – Museo degli Innocenti Piazze Santissima Annunziata 13 Firenze Italy www.eneganart.it
POLITICAL NUDITY ACRYLIC, GEL INK, GRAPHITE, PRINT ON PAPER ©2019 “Modern leaders made out of fluffy nostalgia old shit as contemporary chocolate Sad politicians Seen on tv odd men licking old men we praise the past and invisible lies can’t be exposed camouflaged for …
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“I have seen the world through the thick glass of the windows millions of cars and solitary, maybe desperate souls stuck inside
“white mouth strikes again the blue eyes looked familiar the fathers’ eyes the old continent
” It seems so distant, so far away on the other side of the ocean I am detached I am distracted I am not a viewer