Da un bel po’ di anni – nel cinema nostrano Italico un po’ burlone un po’ pecoreccio – circolano dei film che parlano del sud italia, del mio Meridione, attraverso linguaggi e comicita’ che cercano squallidamente di emulare attori/artisti autenticamente meridionali (dai fratelli DeFilippo ai vari Troisi, Arena, De Crescenzo, passando per Toto’…) della storia …
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WINDOW SEAT IN LONDON Screen print, mixed media on canvas cm 85×50 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi
It’s curious to watch read workers building roads but not having the chance to drive a car on those roads. At the service of other kind of people, the ones that desire everything ignoring the origin of anything… F.C. Screen print, mixed media on canvas cm 85×55 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi
Lost in Downtown LA Screen print, mixed media on canvas cm 85×55 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi
premature ejaculation exercises p>Fine Art is Dead Screen printing, mixed media on canvas cm 60×85 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi
DOWNTOWN BY CHINATOWN Screen print, mixed media on canvas cm 80×70 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi sales & info: please contact the artist penis growth
I am feeling useless in the way, my own road, facing the sun in Venice Beach is a story of expectation, the big mistake I do all the time: expecting something special from the place I am visiting or living. I have to feel the place, I have to get in to it and apply …
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get paid to write essays p>Hot Day In Tarzana Screen print, mixed media on canvas cm 120 x 80 2013 ©FabioCoruzzi artwork for sale please contact the artist
essays on gun control p> Waiting the Bus in Las Vegas Screen print mixed media on canvas cm 115×85 2012 ©FabioCoruzzi
The Londoner is a controversial human being that tends to break traditional structures in order to fail often on its intention, ending up creating a new structure. New structure is added to the previous one. Many of us think that London start to look stifled, other might think that London is just enriching itself. I …
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