New Dawn
spray paint stencil technique oil pastel graphite acrylic on paper
Pubblicatoil Apr 4, 2022 in ART
spray paint stencil technique oil pastel graphite acrylic on paper
Pubblicatoil Mar 10, 2021 in ART, Poetry Box
“Red color of passion red color of blood clean and ready to get dirty who is laughing after all? I am sitting and waiting it’s all fine tonight, it seems legs are sketching sweet motives deep, blind light from the screen I take a look at …
Pubblicatoil Giu 11, 2020 in ART
“The young man jumped reaching the stars stolen victory is at hand overwhelming pride the tricky genius fooled the clever it was a game a humid comedy the acting talent performed its talent pride won with arrogance nobody gave a shit time stood still stunned by the …
Pubblicatoil Dic 30, 2019 in ART, EXHIBIT
I will be join this group exhibition SoLa Contemporary 3718 W Slauson Avenue Los Angeles CA 90043 Opening Night January 4th 2020 6 – 9 pm
Pubblicatoil Giu 20, 2019 in ART, Poetry Box
POLITICAL NUDITY ACRYLIC, GEL INK, GRAPHITE, PRINT ON PAPER ©2019 “Modern leaders made out of fluffy nostalgia old shit as contemporary chocolate Sad politicians Seen on tv odd men licking old men we praise the past and invisible lies can’t be exposed camouflaged for …
Pubblicatoil Mar 7, 2019 in ART, Poetry Box
“white mouth strikes again the blue eyes looked familiar the fathers’ eyes the old continent
Pubblicatoil Feb 21, 2019 in ART, Poetry Box
” It seems so distant, so far away on the other side of the ocean I am detached I am distracted I am not a viewer
Pubblicatoil Apr 25, 2018 in ART
acrylic, oil pastel, gel ink, graphite on paper ©FabioCoruzzi
Pubblicatoil Gen 25, 2018 in ART
acrylic, oil pastel, graphite, gel ink, print on paper 2018 ©FabioCoruzzi
Pubblicatoil Giu 8, 2017 in ART
Acrylic , oil pastels, gel ink, graphite on paper cm 32 x 44 2017 artwork sold